Sunday, March 11, 2007

((OOC)) Welcome and Introduction

I've recently started trolling the RP forums of World of Warcraft and found it to be rather entertaining. Since I enjoy writing, I thought it would be fun to work on writing the stories of my favorite characters. I'm not sure how often I will update this, since RP is still fairly new to me.

The stars of this blog are all from Clan Wildmane. They are all tauren females and I occasionally refer to them as sisters, though they are not directly related in that sense. They all inhabit the Ysera Realm (except for Araven), for those of you who are interested in speaking to them face-to-face. I must warn you though, Ysera is an PVE realm so if you speak to me in-game, I will assume you're OOC unless you tell me!

I will post individual introductions for each of the characters I play, but here's a brief introduction to the Wildmanes and their friends:

Hravan Wildmane, tauren hunter
Tesmi Wildmane, tauren druid
Anara Wildmane, tauren druid
Taopi Wildmane, tauren shaman
Araven Stonehoof, tauren druid
Kaihe Stonehoof, tauren warrior

These are the primary posters in this blog, listed in order of creation (and consequently age). Tesmi and Taopi are true sisters. Incidentally, Anara is my main, followed by Hravan. I play Tesmi and Taopi about equally. Araven and Kaihe are on the Moon Guard RP server. I started her with the intention of joining a new guild, so we'll see where that goes.

Auo'Kita Keiaz Ikenaki, troll priestess
Analorian Dawnfire, blood elf mage
Anarien Dawnfire, blood elf priestess
Sagra, daughter of Raumo Felfire, orc warrior
Rusca, daughter of Denash of the Frostwolf Clan, orc hunter
Thani Electrowrench, gnome warrior

These are all my characters. Everyone is on Ysera except for Thani, who is on Sentinels, and Araven, Kaihe, and Rusca, who are on Moon Guard.

So that's the basic intro. I hope this turns into something cool!

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