Monday, March 19, 2007

Impressions of Silvermoon City

On Hravan's emphatic urgings, I traveled to Silvermoon City today. In all the world I have never seen a more beautiful or darkly disturbing place such as that! The buildings were enormous and the plants floated! Magicked brooms swept the streets and there were benches everywhere for the weary traveler. I swear that magic crackled in the air! I could hardly feel the spirit of the Earthmother.

I explored a little before I found Farstrider Square, the one place Hravan strongly suggested I visit. When I entered the hunter's, or rangers as the Blood Elves call them, training building, I felt I had found a piece of Mulgore! There were huge sculptures of plainstriders and bears and the whole interior had a rugged feel to it. I had to sit a moment and absorb the spirit of the place.

Hravan warned me that there was a dark presence beneath the peace of the hunter's, pardon, ranger's compound. I felt it almost immediately, lurking behind the constructed nature. In feeling that, I realized that Silvermoon City was merely a glamour, a mask to hide the truth of the place. I followed the feeling next door to the paladin's building. As I ascended the stairs inside, I felt the air tremble with pain and sorrow. For the first time in my life, I was glad that the spirits of the Earthmother were so far removed from me, else I would have felt that darkness and pain more clearly.

I could not venture any further, so I turned and left. I could not even take refuge in the ranger's building - I had to hearth to Moonglade and sit in the forest for several hours. It was very difficult to rid myself of that place! I will never go back, not even if forced! I warned Tesmi and Taopi, though they are young enough not to listen. I suppose, as much as I would like to save everyone from feeling that darkness, that it must be experienced first-hand or it means nothing.

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